What Kinds Of Growths Will I Find On My Exterior Surfaces?

If you've seen any mysterious green or black spots on your house, you're certainly curious about their origin. There is a wide range of organic growths that will settle in regions with just the proper quantity of water, light, and shadow. It's critical to get rid of them as quickly as possible if you see them on your home's siding or roof shingles. A trustworthy and thorough pressure washing service is required to eliminate and remove these substances.
It's important to remove these growths before they do damage to your home, family, and health. Let's classify the many outdoor growths you may encounter.
Mold & Mildew
To the untrained eye, these microfungi might easily be mistaken for less harmful algae. In most cases, mold and mildew will appear as "fuzzy" blotches that are gray or dull brown in color. House washing and other pressure washing services should be scheduled on a regular basis to prevent the growth of mold and mildew on outdoor surfaces, the former of which may lead to respiratory issues for your family.
Black & Green Algae
The algae gloeocapsa magma is likely to blame for the flat black stripes you see on your exterior surfaces, especially your roofs. These bacteria thrive in warm, moist settings and may be found year-round on surfaces in these regions. Our customers in Oklahoma City may be certain that they will eventually come across this problem on their roofs. Eventually, the material will disintegrate because the algae will grow on it and devour the compounds within it. Pressure washing, fortunately, is an easy way to overcome this growth.
In addition to algae gloeocapsa, there is a second kind of algae that appears as green blotches, and it prefers to develop in darker environments, such as on vertical surfaces on your house that get only a certain level of sunlight at certain times of the day. When they establish themselves on a white or light vinyl exterior, they stand out prominently. This algae, like black algae, may accelerate the degradation of the underlying material but is easily removed by pressure washing.
Moss & Lichen
Everyone is familiar with the lush green plant that thrives in the shade. Sadly, it causes significant damage to exposed surfaces, particularly roofs. Lifted and curled shingles from moss might create a gap through which water can flow into the attic. This problem may be easily fixed by using a professional pressure washer.
Similar harm may be done by lichen as by moss. However, lichen is spikier in form and often mint green in color. It may be removed using a power washer, much like moss.
To reduce risk to your home and family, contact Diamond Pressure Washing now about setting up a pressure washing appointment.